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07.29.02 - 11:44 pm

Subj: cold war revisited...

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 12:51:40 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: �"Nathan O'Brien"

To: �


well then, i just wrote you about the longest damn email i've ever written and of course the computer would have to shut down and none of it was saved.� so this one is going to be short and to the point.� let me give you a dialogue of my experiences with asiyat the other evening: movie ends

A: our relationship needs to be more than a friendship.� we've only got two months together and we can't waste any of that time.

N:� i can't do that.� i think it would be best if we remained friends.

A:� I hate that word!!!!� don't ever say it again!� you have to make a choice....either we are lovers, or i want nothing to do with you.

N:� that's rediculous.

A:� choose.

N:� i choose friendship.

A:� (sitting on the bed crying)

10-15 minutes passes

A:� take me home

N: don't do this...

�silence....walk to car....more her home......she gets out of car without a word.

now it is a week later....i work with her everyday, and she hasn't said a word to me since.� wait, i take that back.� once we were standing�next to eachother and a customer came up and told us we looked like we could be brother and sister.� she replied "he's disgusting, he could never be my brother".� then looked at me and said, "you're disgusting"�

i did get to use those words you send me though....and they worked like a charm.� haha, a little too well i guess.� but i'm going to pull them out again and try to use them on her hot roommate.� if they get me in good with her you'll be my hero.� seriously!� okay, other than that crater lake is getting more and more fun every day....oh wait, cancel that.� i'm probably going to try and leave a week early so i can do something fun this summer.� mexico, cali....somewhere warm, where i can be surrounded by hot girls.� you've got to get down here sometime, bring brian too.� say hi to that guy for me if you ever see him.� it's time for me to get my laundry on.� adios. nathan

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