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08.12.02 - 11:05 am

sarah: i think i'm falling for you. :/

me: good.

sarah: no.

me: ok then i take it back

me: dont

me i dont want you to

me i dont want anything to do with you

sarah: well, huh.

me: when i look up miserable in the dictionary...theres a picture of me and you

sarah: well i hope not.

sarah: i want me to.

sarah: but now i kind of wish i wouldn't have said that.

sarah: but i feel it.

sarah: so, there you go.

sarah: now figure out what that older song is called where.....they whistle at the end.

me: i like you alot sarah. and i care about you alot. and....thats the simplest way i can explain myself without coming across as....dumb. i think

sarah: a lot

me: ...?

sarah: not alot

sarah: come across as dumb. i already do.....all the time.

sarah: i left my stories at your house.

me: i know you did

me: i put them in my maxim

i dont know.

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