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03.28.03 - 1:50 am

on sunday, march 23rd, i shaved. i shaved away and exposed pieces of my flesh that hadnt seen sunlight in weeks. my face was thirsty for emmancipation from the tweeds of hair that had camoflauged it for so long.

below me, in the sink, lay the ruins of all that i had achieved.

a piece of goatee beard there, a patch of cheek hair there.

all in all, the remnants on my face were the new reigning champions of self inflicted disdain.

a mustache, and two thin side burns extending from the hair line to the underside of my cheeks. it was done. no more of this boyish nonsense, ive given up those childish ways and traded them in for a new start as a man. a man with a mustache.

ill admit, some might call me a rogue for the duty i was undertaking. a full fledged mustache at twenty-one? thats twenty-five years sooner than anyone before me in the history of facial hair.

i wouldnt condemn you if you called me a role model. a renegade. a martyr...

a hero.

as of today, the mustache still remains. ive jumped the gap between man and boy, finally acheiving a goal just short of a miracle. splashed across my face is the reckless abandonment of youth. striping down my jawline are the flags of wisdom and charisma.

few dare to try.

only one has ever acheived.

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