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01.27.04 - 9:07 pm

....and suddenly the world was dead.

their bodies lay strewn about in massive heaps of decay. they lay where they fell, in twisted agonizing positions of surprise and defeat.

a mass exodus of human life. emptiness cloaking a planet of human death. the earth already trying to rid itself of the memory of its first and only poison. nostalgia, laughter, hobbies and possessions all useless, meaningless and forever just an imagined whisper chasing the wind.

this would be the same wind that would wrap itself around my face and through my clothing. i would stand on the entrance to my house, it was night. it was cold. a single windchime dangled and in the complete silence erupted with song in the breeze. at my feet, the air rolling like waves through his dark amber coat, would be the only companion i would ever have. my dog cody.

the end.

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