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11.20.04 - 9:30 pm

so theres a serial killer in peoria. peoria, illinois if i remember correctly. the victims are women. the victims are black. the victims are drug addicts. the victims are prostitutes. these are women with past arrests of possession and prostituition. and they are easily lost and missed with difficulty to all but their families.

"there has been too much emphasis on this being black prostitutes with a crack problem," said barbara miller of the refuge help-line, a hot line to help women in need in peoria.
"they werent born with crack pipes in their mouths."

correct. but this is where it gets touchy. race related issues are one of the quickest fires to ignite, and the longest to burn.

relatives of brenda erving, whose body was found oct 15 on the side of a rural road about 15 miles southwest of peoria, were more blunt.
"if these were white women or people who didnt use drugs or were prostitutes, would [the police] be so slow [to investigate the deaths]?" asked cisha erving, 24, whose mothers body was the most recent to be discovered.

correct again.
the problem is, no one likes drug addicts. no one likes junkies. they are always portrayed by the media as homeless, dirty, living in dark alleys, slighty shaky with mascara bleeding down their cheeks asking for money. to my experience anyways. this is how i visualize "crack addicts" and "(insert narcotic here) junkies". to me they represent the weakest of people. the weakest of humanity. i have no respect for a drug addict. i do not pity them. i cringe when i hear someone say its not their fault. that theyre good people. that its hard.
i do not appreciate people trying to pity and humanize those who are drug addicts. drug addiction is always a choice. always. the individual makes the decision to try the narcotic. the individual chooses to request the drug again. the individual chooses to use the drug a second time and then a third and then a fourth. peer pressure? lack of education? availability?
ridiculous. everyone knows that drugs are bad. even if you had never gone to school, and never heard anyone tell you to just say no. even if youd never read a book or seen a tv show based on the physical and social effects of using a narcotic, you would still live in a society that does not foster illicit drug use. you would still have the capacity to understand that drugs are illegal, that selling, buying and using them must be away from the eyes of the law, and you would almost certainly know someone at some stage of the legal system. inevitably.
next, drug addicts are not people of moral mind once they are an addict. unless they are enabled financially the addict will turn to less than agreeable forms of behavior. stealing. lying. cheating. aggression. selfishness. these are qualities not found in a good person. people as a whole do not enjoy the presence of drug addicts and the qualities they exhibit.
society wants to help those who want to help themselves.
if someone is a drug addict, and chooses for whatever reason to remain as an addict, to continue with the same friends and peer groups, to continue to live in a drug induced community, then that person will inevitably be shamed by the rest of standard society and disposed of through negligence.
how many murdered homeless drug addicts does it take to equal one nobel prize winners murder? we as a planet value the idealogical person as someone opposite of those with a drug problem.
yes they have families. yes they have people that have tried so desperately hard to help them. yes they have people that love them unconditionally.
on top of that, they were prositutes. the oldest profession in all of history. selling sex. glamorized in las vegas and bangkok. essential economically to certain third world countries, and even industrial and technological ones.
but not ok.
not good.
not acceptable.
sure there are good whores, and sure there are sloppy whores. but at the end of the day, when they fall asleep with stacks of cash under them pillows....they are still whores.

side rant: in the last presidential election, the polls showed that america favored "moral values" over the war in iraq and terrorism. so, in doing so, negated a homosexuals right to marry. under the guise of "maintaining the definition of a marriage". so many people claim that thats all they were doing. preserving a timeless definition. a marriage is between a man and a woman. that its not saying gay people cant live together and act as a couple, its just saying they arent considered married because of this strict retention of definition.
bullshit. measure 36 was a blatant measure aimed at discrimination. there is no possible way to excuse it by any other means. it was oppressive.
remember when it was illegal for white folk and black folk to sit next to each other in theaters and schools? do you remember how black people and white people had seperate bathrooms and drinking fountains? remember how in the 1960s a country....decided that racial discrimination was wrong and immoral? do you remember when businesses started putting "we do not discriminate against age, race, ethnicity, religion, creed, color, health, sexuality or disability"? do you remember why businesses installed that? do you know why schools, colleges, books, television, and every day life are all supposed to uphold that
obviously not. if you feel it "moral" to discriminate and oppress someones right to marriage in a country gloating about boundless personal freedom? do you remember president bush saying that terrorists hate our country because we represent "democracy and the free world"? do you also remember that while it is illegal for a man to marry another man, it is legal for a woman to sell her body for money? that while concubines and harlots have been criminalized for centuries, in a certain cove of america we as a society glamorize it and make tv shows on the endless hedonism it represents.
and yet homosexuals cant marry. because marriage needs to be preserved. youre right.
thats why the nations divorce rate is 50%. that out of 100 people who marry, 50 of them will divorce. for sure.
thats why we love to watch celebrities marry and divorce after a few hours, days or months. why we soak up all the gossip and media we can on their tumultuous married lives.
youre right. marriage is being protected by not letting faggots marry. we are protecting our "moral values".

so back to the original point. if the women were non drug addicts with actual jobs instead of prostitution, and white, would there even be a serial killer still on the loose? yes. but maybe not. if the women were black and had jobs and werent drug addicts there would still be an immense police presence after the murderer. because then the multiple murders might be considered racially motivated. and in this day and age, no one tolerates racial hate crimes.
but the fact is these people are stuck in a rut they chose to stay in. they chose to continue to do drugs. to continue to sleep with men for money. race has nothing to do with the effort of the police. if these women were white trash prostitutes who were coincidentally crack addicts, the police would show them the same amount of response were they another race or color. its the morality of who they are as people and the life styles they led that ultimately charge an investigation. dead drug addict hookers do not get the same media attention as african american families living christian lifestyles.

and i think, basically what im trying to say is good. so what. they were hookers. they did drugs. they werent good people. i dont care that theyre dead. what did they contribute to society? nothing. what did they contribute to the human race? nothing. is murder ok? not usually. but you know, there are too many goddamn people who need food, clothes and jobs. too many people need things to keep them alive so they can become better and more human, instead of procreating more drug addicts and more strain on a society that only endorses the upper class and ignores everyone else. no one chooses to be born poor. but people chose to stay poor.

serial killers kill lots of people every day. people kill each other every day. the more the merrier. keep killing. kill by the thousands. and we still wont be able to keep up with the endless swarms of new people. this isnt an emphasis on black crack addicts. this is an emphasis on the life style not appreciated by a white non addict.

choice makes a huge difference in the course of ones life. this is the concept i have been struggling with for two years.

choice. choices. respect.

dont do drugs. dont be a whore. get out of your shitty towns. get a job.
its for the best. youll enjoy it.
i promise.

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