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06.29.07 - 1:19 am

ive been tossing around in bed for nearly 45 minutes now. i cant sleep. this is what happened last night as well. checklists. order of operations. what to do. how long it will take. logistics. maps. finances.

forty eight hours.

im picking up a 17 foot uhaul truck tomorrow. its going to cost me $111 dollars. most of my stuff is in boxes. ashtons room still needs to be disassembled. toys thrown away. goodwilled. i havent discarded nearly as much as i had hoped i would. i havent really found a surplus of useless things yet though. its all relevant. things i dont want to have to buy again later.

the fish. it wont be that bad. dont forget to pick up copper test kit, black vinyl tubing and salt. i may have to use tap water. i really hope theres no copper in it.

cleaning. ugh. i need a steam vacuum. it shouldnt take too long, i mean, ive kept the place relatively clean. some window wiping. that thumbprint of ink ben left so many months ago in the bathroom.

in forty eight hours things will change ten fold.

ill have a roommate again.
ill be in a big city.
ill have a steady job again.

i lived in corvallis since september of 2001. the college inn. the 420 house. maple tree townhouse. the keep. the crows nest. kings landing.

creston villa.

friends. work. family. girls. all at arms length.

now, get to sleep. your alarm goes off at 845 tomorrow morning.

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