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10.05.09 - 10:45 am

and lets not forget...sarah. completely unaware that a potential trial is looming in which she will have to defend her behavior as a parent, and yet still continues to impress me with her absolute lack of maturity and respect. the following conversation is one of the most bizarre ive ever had with her, and shows just how completely unaware sarah is about our present situation.

she called to tell me dustys birthday was tuesday, so she wanted ashton to be there. would it be alright if i had ashton wednesday to friday this week instead. i agreed, and informed her my sister was having a going away dinner that evening i wanted ashton to be apart of. she agreed as well. sweet. settled. everyone wins.

the next night she sent me 5 text messages in a row asking if i was taking ashton to soccer practice on thursday. well, no, i wasnt obviously. unless...

Jordan: Hey sarah, id be happy to take ash to soccer today if i could just keep him til his saturday morning soccer game...
10:30:31 am

Sarah: Haha. nooo, jordan. He should go to both practice and game give or take what YOU want. Its ok if you don't want to take him to practice because it inconveniences you. That's totally fine by me. It won't work out so easily for u as ashton grows up. Ha. One thing I should point out: I have VERY limited time with ashton as well given life, and his always busy schedule! Haha! No way!!! Its called parenting!!! Whooooaaaa. You don't do things for yourself!! You do them for your children!!!! Fathom THAT! Seeya tomorrow. ;) hahaha.
10:43:08 am

Jordan: Its never been that i have things i want to do for myself while with ash. Its that i want the time with spend with him. I dont expect you to understand. Ill call you friday evening after dinner.�
10:58:01 am

Sarah: You're dilusional and not very creative. I'm sorry you have to live knowing you'll never be the alpha. Go spank yourself creep.�
11:01:41 am

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