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10.17.09 - 12:03 am

taken from our monthly newsletter at stafford elementary.

October 29, 1992
In the finest tradition of helping others, four Stafford students, Chris Callaghan, Jordan Noe, David Emmett and Ian Colvard initiated, designed and carried out a fundraiser to aid victims of hurricane Andrew and Iniki. They made posters, made classroom presentations, collected money and monitored the daily progress of contributions.

I congratulate these boys for their outstanding example of initiative and concern for others.


after my second grade class organized a similar effort for a hurricane three years earlier i pulled together two of my good friends to attempt the same. the teacher we spoke to about our plan assigned david to our group, i was not pleased with this. even then, he was "that guy"; destined for all the exploits of youth i would not experience until many years later: girls, parties, sports, girls, receding hairline. we used the large aluminum coffee cans the cafeteria kept tomato sauce in, decorated them and left them in other classrooms. i never was able to wash that awful ketchup like smell out. i think we only raised like $160 or something pitiful like that. i remember months later going into the administrative closet in the office for something and stumbled across the large aluminum can with that familiarly wretched smell, all our collected money still housed untouched inside. sorry victims of hurricane andrew, fifth graders arent really good at anything.

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