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06.27.13 - 9:58 am

i do not understand the process of getting dressed in the morning, as it applies to women. julie takes approximately 20 minutes to get her shower on and makeup applied. a perfectly reasonable amount of time. only slightly longer than it would take me. however it then takes her an additional 40 minutes to decide what to wear: what bra with what jeans. what undershirt with what hairstyle. what shirt with what shoes. she will then proceed to try out all of these combinations, convinced that if she doesn't, someone at work will notice and actually spend the rest of their life mocking her specific outfit from that particular day. she grows increasingly frustrated with her combinations until she settles on something and grumbles to herself disapprovingly. with so many overwhelming combinations of clothing, and so many impending social criticisms, how does she not have a panic attack every time she steps into her closet?

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