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04.22.03 - 12:39 am

to whom it may concern:

on 04/04/03 my friend and i went to petco to purchase pine shavings for our hamsters, rabbits, and guinea pigs. we are frequent patrons of you establishment as together we have a wide variety of animals. we almost always choose petco over all other pet store businesses, as we are generally pleased with the quality of products, care, and service. however, on this particular date we were immensely dissatisfied with our cashier.

we had brought our dogs with us (they really enjoy being able to wonder around and sniff everything). my friend's dog has freeze brands on her ears. she is a hunting dog and ver valuable for her skills. freeze branding changes the pigment of the hair to white and are a way of deterring individuals from stealing a dog (or any animal that has one), as well as a very visible way of identification should the dog be stolen.

the cashier, #63 Jordan, enquired about the freeze brands and my friend explained the reason to him. when she was finished your employee very rudely stated that he did not agree with it and that it was wrong a thing for her to do to her dog. this upset my friend, a veterinary student at osu vet school who loves her dog very much. she only had the branding done because she had had a dog in the past, who meant the world to her, that was stolen. she said she would have better handled the situation had the cashier been an individual on the street and not an employee of a pet store that is supposed to welcome ALL pet owners.

we will continue to shop at your establishment, but would like to be able to shop without being bombarded by your employees as to how they feel about something about one of our pets. especially when it is evident that no animal abuse has occurred. in the future please advise your employees f this and remind them that it is the CUSTOMERS who ultimately pay their paychecks and we buy ALOT of food, shavings, shampoos, fish supplies, toys, leashes, treats...

thank you for your time,


[write a letter - send a $10 gift crt. - talk to jordan EPN! - we dont have oppinions- (verble) to our customers. (get his side)]

*copied exactly as written

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