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06.12.03 - 8:17 am

i get so angry and frustrated. the carelessness of people is astounding. the effects of pollution, dumping, tanker cleaning and estuary removal is so blatantly obvious. and yet even with world fish populations dramatically waning, coral reefs disappearing, species extinction and high mercury levels in fish meat, it seems people only continue to exploit the ocean as inexaustable.

well hows this for inexaustable: i fly around in an apache helicopter and completely obiterate coastal hotels, oil tankers, off shore mining camps, fishermen boats, ocean and river side factories, and subsequently, 4.5 billion people as well. i could do this and feel no remorse. if i had the option of doing this, riding the world of most of humanity and consequently put to death for my crimes....i would do it without the slightest feeling of apprehension.

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