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05.30.04 - 12:35 am

brilliant. one of my most favorite things. this is what is posted in the library. this is what i handed out to anyone i had a faint remembrance of. this is what i sent to this young man:

cellsdividing: explain

Ronn Popeil: listen, i need some roommates.

Ronn Popeil: this is a mansion.

Ronn Popeil: a utopian paradise

Ronn Popeil: across from reser stadium

Ronn Popeil: mind you, this means nothing to you now, but soon. soon it will.

cellsdividing: where is that?

Ronn Popeil: pffft

Ronn Popeil: where is that

Ronn Popeil: corvallis oregon.

Ronn Popeil: the booming metropolis

Ronn Popeil: what do you say/

Ronn Popeil: do i need to list out the advantages to such an arrangment?

cellsdividing: sure

Ronn Popeil: ok here we go

Ronn Popeil: so its a large white house, actually, its really crappy....right


Ronn Popeil: jim the landlord is going through and just ravaging it

Ronn Popeil: returning it to its pristine former self

Ronn Popeil: in the fall

Ronn Popeil: during football season

Ronn Popeil: 600 to 800 dollars a game

Ronn Popeil: how you ask?

Ronn Popeil: in letting patrons park on our property

Ronn Popeil: and let me tell you, they will come.

Ronn Popeil: not only that, you get my large noisy fish tank to look at,

perfectly placed in our large family room

Ronn Popeil: it has 4 bedrooms

Ronn Popeil: however, 2 more are included, but they are smaller than one would


Ronn Popeil: but the ample size of the rest of the house, allows you to store

belongings...where ever you see fit.

Ronn Popeil: theres a dishwasher

Ronn Popeil: a garbage disposal

Ronn Popeil: and let me tell you, coming from my house now, very inmportant

attributes to have

Ronn Popeil: youll understand when you go without them.

Ronn Popeil: there is a forest behind the house, and a creek.

Ronn Popeil: this equates to treeforts and mud clod battles of unforseen


cellsdividing: nice

Ronn Popeil: its got potential to be the greatest castle to ever stand in


Ronn Popeil: youve probably never been out here have you?

cellsdividing: never ever

Ronn Popeil: hm. i dont blame you. its pretty out here though. its a nice

looking town.

cellsdividing: why there and not somewhere else?

Ronn Popeil: you should come visit. you could throw water balloons with us. have

my dog chase you through fields. run around in the dark finding adventures.

Ronn Popeil: somewhere else?

Ronn Popeil: ok

Ronn Popeil: this is where i want to find you then

Ronn Popeil: i dont care what you have to do

Ronn Popeil: if you do this, you will not be disappointed.

Ronn Popeil: thailand.

cellsdividing: thailand?

Ronn Popeil: if you want something completely different than youve ever


Ronn Popeil: if you want to meet the nicest people in existance.

Ronn Popeil: if you want the most beautiful scenary

cellsdividing: yeah, i'm going there

Ronn Popeil: but theres two thailands.

Ronn Popeil: bangkok and southern thailand.

Ronn Popeil: both are admirable.

Ronn Popeil: one is beautiful

Ronn Popeil: one is exciting.

Ronn Popeil: and

Ronn Popeil: its cheap

cellsdividing: aren't both cheap?

Ronn Popeil: if you had say...1000 dollars...youd live like a king for months

cellsdividing: when were you there?

Ronn Popeil: december. two years ago.

cellsdividing: that's about how much i'd be going there with

Ronn Popeil: as a joke i suggested my father take me there for my 21st.

Ronn Popeil: and...he did.

Ronn Popeil: eventually, i plan on moving there. spending my life getting paid

to scuba dive.

cellsdividing: hey

cellsdividing: crazy

cellsdividing: i thought about that

cellsdividing: i've always wanted to scuba dive

Ronn Popeil: have you ever?

cellsdividing: thought about going there and just asking if i help out at a


cellsdividing: yeah

Ronn Popeil: yes! and you probably could

Ronn Popeil: i went diving off phi phi don.

cellsdividing: but i never had friends who were into it so i didn't do it much

cellsdividing: how was it?

Ronn Popeil: i met a gentleman named sasha from finland. his girlfriend was from


Ronn Popeil: it was amazing.

Ronn Popeil: im....a fish tank guy. saltwater.

Ronn Popeil: so seeing these organisms in the wild...awesome.

cellsdividing: yeah, i was always into fish tanks too

Ronn Popeil: well being as good as you are in photography, underwater

photography could challenge you.

Ronn Popeil: and youd come back with some pretty amazing stuff id imagine.

cellsdividing: how long did you stay?

Ronn Popeil: 3 weeks

Ronn Popeil: on my pinkie finger i wear a ring given to me by a friend i met


Ronn Popeil: named...well...he said to just call him M

Ronn Popeil: so we did

Ronn Popeil: he was our taxi driver

Ronn Popeil: only he only did taxi driving for fun, he had a good job and was

going to school, and just did it to see the city of bangkok and what not.

Ronn Popeil: he eventually just stayed with us

Ronn Popeil: we bought him dinner

cellsdividing: wow, that's cool

Ronn Popeil: he bought us a cell phone so we could call him whenever we needed


Ronn Popeil: he wanted to drive us 8 hours to southern thailand

Ronn Popeil: free of charge

Ronn Popeil: just to do it

Ronn Popeil: but we flew instead.

Ronn Popeil: while we were gone, he was hit by a motorcycle and his leg was


cellsdividing: wow

Ronn Popeil: but in thailand, you need the money upfront for surgery or medical


Ronn Popeil: and his father had stage 3 stomach cancer he called it

Ronn Popeil: so he had been working 23 hour days driving around

Ronn Popeil: with a broken leg

Ronn Popeil: he pulled his sister out of college to save money

Ronn Popeil: all for his father.

cellsdividing: wow

Ronn Popeil: and on top of that, took care of us, and then asked his family

permission to give me his family ring.

Ronn Popeil: he was a special person. i really enjoyed his company.

cellsdividing: that's a good story

cellsdividing: now i want to go ever more

Ronn Popeil: i wish you would. the only expensive part is the flight.

Ronn Popeil: the rest, is almost nothing

cellsdividing: i know

Ronn Popeil: we stayed at a hotel the first few days

cellsdividing: i have the money

cellsdividing: i don't know why i'm stalling

Ronn Popeil: that here would have cost...300 or so a night

Ronn Popeil: there it cost us about the same as a motel 6

Ronn Popeil: what keeps you where you are currently?

cellsdividing: i live with my mom and she just got a dog and i kinda have to

watch it

cellsdividing: and she just bought a new house

cellsdividing: i feel like i should be around to help her move

cellsdividing: when it's done

Ronn Popeil: ill second that.

Ronn Popeil: hey, if you need any discounts at petco, i can assist.

cellsdividing: is that where you work?

Ronn Popeil: you know, dog food, leashes, what have you.

Ronn Popeil: yeah.

Ronn Popeil: pushing two years now.

cellsdividing: you like it?

Ronn Popeil: i like that i have a job in a town where 20,000 other students are

trying to get employed.

cellsdividing: are you a student?

Ronn Popeil: and since i like my fish stuff, it grants me opportunities i

wouldnt get anywhere else.

Ronn Popeil: yeah.

Ronn Popeil: pretending to be one.

Ronn Popeil: im not doing very well.

cellsdividing: move to thailand

cellsdividing: live like a king!

Ronn Popeil: well, with my financial aid return checks...i probably could.

Ronn Popeil: but, too much depends on me here.

Ronn Popeil: do you have a job again?

cellsdividing: not yet

cellsdividing: still deciding what to do

Ronn Popeil: just to see what happens, you should create a portfolio, and mail

it to national geographic.

Ronn Popeil: youd get paid to travel the world.

cellsdividing: maybe~

Ronn Popeil: listen, consider the offer to move out here. its ridiculous i know,

but hey, if you get bored, need to cause some trouble with random folks,

consider that ad i sent you.

Ronn Popeil: i have to finish up a psychology paper, but it was nice talking

with you.

Ronn Popeil: enjoy your evening sir.

cellsdividing: enjoy!

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