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04.04.05 - 9:16 am

im losing my hair.


ultimately, my wet dream for the future of my hair was to continue the messed up, random hair style i have now, only instead of nearly black hair an entire head of silver. this is what i wanted. this is where i was aiming for. i didnt care how soon i got the silvery gray hairs, i mean, if i had them now id be excited. but my thirties would be a great place to start.

however, it looks like all the things ive been told in the last decade about my hair have become false.

"if your grandfather on your mothers side still has his hair then you'll be fine."
"you just have thin hair."
"youre too young to lose your hair."
"john stamos is still an A list actor."

its been circulating for years now, whispers of receeding hair lines and thinning scalps. sarah first started to mention the curves of my hair line at the top of my forehead seemed like they were changing. extending too far back towards the rear of my head. i too even noticed that in certain lights, the hair seemed unnaturally thin on the top of my head. while amy was cutting my hair she mentioned something about a thin spot on th etop of my head and yet thick hair on the sides.

what the hell is going on? could it be that i just have thin hair? just not thick and uniform? or am i really thinning and losing hair? i know that after i style my hair with that damn white paste that i often times have more strands of black hair stuck to my hands than im comfortable with. when i get out of the shower and dry my hair, locks of hair fall to my feet and mock me. am i doomed to look like the guy with the shiny bald cap and the penninsula of hair surrounding the naked skinned top? ugh. and i cant shave it all off because im too skinny and my heads too lumpy or misshapen. itd only be further insult to the devastating injury.

curse you david noe.
curse you.

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