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05.11.05 - 10:37 am

Hobbs told investigators he believed Laura had stolen money from her mother. She had been grounded, but her mother let her go out and play on Sunday, Mother's Day. When she didn't return at 7 p.m. as she had been told, he went looking for her, he said.

Hobbs led police to their bodies Monday morning, claiming then that he found them while searching for his missing daughter. In videotaped interviews, however, prosecutors say Hobbs told them he killed the girls, stabbing his daughter repeatedly in the neck and eyes, after Laura refused to leave the park when he ordered her to go home.

He also told authorities the other girl, Krystal, had pulled out a paring knife to try to defend her friend and he had taken it from her and stabbed both of them.

jerry hobbs. father to laura hobbs. laura and krystal were best friends.
jerry killed them both. he was angry at his daughter for breaking curfew. im angry. im angry at people like this. people like ward weaver, who kill children and bury them under a cement slab in their yard. im angry at the way these are men who perpetuate stereotypes of men being violent, aggressive and hateful of women. im mostly just annoyed to be honest. i mean, i didnt know these girls. i didnt see their bodies. i dont know this father. in many ways im so removed from the crime that to care would be dishonest, how can one care about something that has no direct impact on their life? in order for me to say i really cared, i have to acknowledge the 700 other murders that occurred that same day just in this country. id have to acknowledge the hundreds of abuse on children that happened that same day just in this country. id have to at least give mention of the fucked up shit going on around the whole fucking world.

all to just to say i care about this one incident. because im not going to do anything about this. ill feel a bit of emotion regarding the circumstances, and ultimately people like this jerry hobbs will make great case studies as i attempt to progress to graduate school on pathology. but christ, how can one care and feel so fucking powerless? how can i say i care and yet not know how to stop shit like this from happening? if i cared, i could do something. thats where the difference is. i would care if i knew for a fact i was capable of preventing horrific events like this from happening.

but i cant change fucked up people. i cant save everyone. i cant stop the rest of the world from devouring its own resources. i cant stop wars. i cant end extinction. i cant preserve wildlife. i cant fix mormons. but i can be apathetic.

apathy is so much easier when you feel everything else is ruined. when you dont see any care in anyone else enough to actually do something. some might say, well then do something. come on, be realistic. how can i do anything to stop the thousands of people out there with homicidal tendencies? andrea yates, how i wish i could have filmed her murdering her six children, then gone back and stopped her before she even turned on the bathwater. how i wish i could build a tiny cell for her to exist in, in which each wall would only show her murdering her children one after another. or, if youd like, i could remove my apathy by actually being granted powers or abilities. give me the ability to torture andrea yates. let me take out my anger on her. let me express my emotions. let me show her how much i care about things like this. give me jerry hobbs too. this is the only way i can constructively show that i care. because i wouldnt do this in some secret dark abandoned building and keep the results to myself.

the change i would make would be drastic. the results of andrea yates and jerry hobbs would be on display for all of american society to see. i would silence those who beg for human rights and critisize for inhumane treatment. instead, the examples i would make out of people would not be celebrity trials and long drawn out court battles. quick sentences. black and white evidence. guilty or not guilty. you had blood in your car but you have a good attorney? well somethings wrong there, murder seems likely, how about the death penalty sometime later this afternoon?

justice is a joke in this country. there needs to be more mercenaries. more revenge killings. more assasinations. there needs to be a clear and direct message to the people of this country: if you murder, and you are caught, you will not endure a quick death or a lifetime of prison, you will enjoy the most horrific experience between life and death a human being can experience.

jerry hobbs, prepare to be pampered by the american justice system. you fucking animal.

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