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06.02.05 - 10:47 am

so what happened to every german soldier from WWII? were they all imprisoned? sent away somewhere? did they go home and start families after the americans and russians seiged their homeland? did they just take off their uniforms, dress as civilians and retreat back to their homes and villages? i understand some were prosecuted, some fled to south american countries and some even came to america. but, then what?

"what did you do in the war, dad, what did you do in the war?"

an innocent question asked by a small child, looking up to his father from his lap.

....then what? does the ex-german soldier describe what he was fighting for? what he did? who he did it to? and how? will he describe his active part in genocide? how many of them still feel endless guilt and shame and find themselves frequently tucked behind a corner, quietly weeping to themselves? how many sit and play crosswords in big armchairs not even thinking about their past? how many of them tell their grandchildren that they helped gas jews and would again if only given the oppertunity?

we have reunions here. veterans coming together, drinking juice in cups and patting each on the back while sitting down at card tables. they wear american flags, baseball hats with their ships logo and ID numbers printed across it. they smile and laugh and cry. but they were fighting to save europe from destruction.

what do german veterans do during reunions? do they sit in silence? do they mirror the americans in emotions of joy, pride and sadness? or is it just sadness? just shame?

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