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06.02.05 - 10:26 pm

so i was shaving tonight and thinking about tom cruise. i was thinking about the articles ive read lately regarding him and his behavior: his vocal expressions of love for his girlfriend katie holmes and his religious practices of scientology.
ive been reading and getting the impression that people are....disgusted at his behavior. the context of the articles is that of shock and uncomfortableness with cruises life. his reps are apologizing for him. cutting back his public appearances before his next big movie. people are talking. its weird. its awkward. its too much.

what? are you serious?

"listen, im out there every fucking day getting trailed by people with camera who make thousands of dollars photographing my fucking life. im out there without a life, in some big goddamn fish bowl that everyone profits from. if some secret aspect of my life gets out in a picture, people buy that shit at grocery lines. people eat it up. they like peering in through my windows. they like seeing me get angry when my privacy is invaded. they like seeing that im just like them. but ill tell you this: the moment i willingly give them a part of my life that those assholes would have to steal, everyone backs off. they say, "hey tom, calm down. cool off. dont say so much. act different. be a professional." what the fuck i say? im a goddamn person, if im in love im going to be in love. if i want to fucking jump on couches and fall to my knees and tell people im really happy, then fuck, im going to do it. fuck you for being so goddamn disappointed that you wont get to buy your fucking smut magazines at the checkouts now because ive already given you the gossip. fuck you for thinking im out of my mind because im suddenly acting like you and not like a phony fucking movie star. i am just like you. i sit at home and watch tv. i jack off in the shower. i read magazines when i shit. and i can fall deeply in love with someone."

thats what tom cruise told me while we were both shaving this evening. hes angry because he doesnt understand. i guess im a little confused too...i mean, why the fuck DOES anyone care that hes suddenly acting not so much like a stiff? why is he being chastized for acting the way he does? who gives a fuck? i mean, people got all fucking pissy when howard dean screamed during a speech. hes excited. he feels emotions. hes a normal person. fuck all of you who suddenly were turned off by his expression of humanity.

as for tom cruise, yeah hes probably faking it. yeah if they get married they will divorce within two years. but i dont care about that. what i care about is tabloids, paparazzi, and the rape of celebrities. i care about when it suddenly backfires, how shocked we are. and how negative it affects everyone.

everyone except me. and all the other people who dont really care what celebrities do, as long as they make good movies, have hot sex scenes with scarlett johanssen and entertain me and my imagination.

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