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10.12.05 - 10:03 am

it always is so depressing to me to scroll down the pictures displayed off, seeing dozens of pictures of the earthquake in pakistan.

children with swollen disfigured faces. grown people weeping, blood and dirt smeared over their bodies. rubble and cement and exausted people rummaging for survivors and belongings. browns greys and reds.

and then amidst all these photographs are pictures of american celebrity marriages. movie stars showing up at premieres. basketball games. pumpkin growing contests.

it just seems so...ridiculous. so apathetic. its almost like, instead of a draft for war, there should be a draft to aid victims of environmental disasters. movie stars and all their wealth should be more willing to miss movie their own movie premieres to fly over to some country to pick through rubble for survivors. college kids should get a break on their loans for volunteering to help rebuild devastated countries. but not just america either. it would be nice to see a headline that instead of: aid arrives slow to pakistan, says: every country in the world contributes to aid pakistan.

and i wish it was like that for every disaster. every genocide. every famine. every country aggressively confronts problems not on a my people/your people or my interests/your interests level. but on a these people need help, lets help them level.

unification on this grand scale depends on the destruction of corporate business america, the forfeiting of oil as power, and the acknowledgment of blame of the destruction of the environment.

im 15 minutes late for class and starving.

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