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01.02.06 - 12:16 am

in the castle we battled unreasonable amounts of houseflies. big ones.
in the keep we battled extreme cold and hypothermia. the bad kind.
in the crows nest we battle a foe much more formidable. a combination of housefly and cold: M O L D.

the most wretched quick tempered mold known. bens chair has been lost. brians sandals have been consumed as well. its only a matter of time before my book case falls prey to this scourge.

bleach can only do so much. it kills so effortlessly, but within mere hours, the mold returns. ten fold. using the water droplets that have formed on the ceiling as a bleach dilluting barrier, the mold seeps through the walls creating interesting patterns of circles.

circles of respitory failure.

my mom and peers fear for our health, as the mold has been responsible for neurological problems and respitory problems. however, being down in the basement with the heat from the fish tank as our security blanket, justin and i are safe.
...the fate of ben though, is unknown. we may very well wake up one morning to find ben molded to his chair. weiner in hand.

send bleach. we'll need three more months worth.

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