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03.04.06 - 12:11 am

so i did my taxes. im not pleased with the results, but itll make some amends with my credit card company. however, some questions....made me feel like a big asshole.

Donate to Special Funds?
Select any of the following Oregon special funds you want to donate part of your refund of $113 to. Any donations reduce your Oregon refund.

Oregon Nongame Wildlife
Child Abuse Prevention
Alzheimer's Disease Research
Stop Domestic and Sexual Violence
AIDS/HIV Education and Services
Other charity See List
None of the above

ill give you one guess which one i chose.

Any Energy Efficient Devices?
Select any of the following that apply to you for 2005.

I bought an energy efficient appliance or water heater.
I bought fuel cells.
I installed a heating or air conditioning system in my home.
I installed a solar device in my home.
I installed a geothermal or wind system in my home.
I bought a hybrid or alternative fuel vehicle.
I have a residential energy credit carryover from 2004.
Someone else gave me a Pass-through Option for
this credit.
None of the above.

again, im sorry im such a douche, planet earth. eventually ill make it up to you. but then, there were questions like this:

Presidential Election Campaign Fund?Do you want to designate $3 to a fund that provides campaign money to presidential candidates?
Note: Selecting Yes will not increase your tax due or reduce your refund.

what the fuck bitch? keep your goddamn hands off my motherfuckin money, niggas. this shit is mine.

and then they charged me $44 for doing it online. sarah paid around $100 at H&R and is getting back some $4000 dollars. goddamnit. i wont even breach $400.

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