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02.01.07 - 5:14 pm

i feel so out of place there. walking around on campus seems so awkward. i dont typically feel 25 years old until i step foot on campus, and i see all the undergraduates. swarms of them.

i attended my PE class today, and while i felt essentially invisible, i still felt, with my unshaven face and receeding hairline, visibly older than everyone else. i wasnt insecure though. it was immediately apparent to me how little the students cared to be actively involved in this class. no one wanted to be there. it was all so silly, so mostly everyone just gave silent smiles to each other and went through the motions the heavily accented asian lady instructed.

ha. november 20th saved her life. i find that amusing. especially after going over my entries around that time, and re experiencing the degredation of hope i was feeling at the time.

damn, i really wanted that to work out.

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