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11.26.07 - 10:06 pm

alimony. seriously. what the fuck is alimony?

when we were married, i supported you. but now that we are divorced, i have to continue to support you?

how does that even make sense? i dont care how rich one person is, you should not have any obligation to pay someones income after they divorce you or you divorce them. just plain ridiculous. length of marriage should not make alimony appropriate either. just because you faked a 25 year relationship should not entitle you to monthly payments so you can sit on your ass. i dont understand our marriage/divorce laws. continually favoring women and often punishing men.

as per usual.

and yes, im aware of specific circumstances where men are pricks and should get the full sting of a financial settlement following a divorce, but come on, alimony in addition to half of one sides assets?

even getting half of someone elses assets is typically bullshit. i wish our country didnt depend so heavily on wealth.

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