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02.04.08 - 7:42 pm

thats what we in the business like to call "filler".

ugh. forced entries. no good. i still feel a need to record notes to myself while im seated here, since im never next to my computer when things i want to passionately record become available.

i started my tax returns. after an hour, i signed out and decided to finish it later. at last count, it appears im eligible for some $969 dollars. i dont know why i would get that much money. should i expect a petco W2? i still need to add my unemployment tax stuff. and probably the money i paid to wells fargo for student loans. then theres that stimulus package ill probably get.

im owed a bunch of government money apparently. which will make a nice downpayment on a credit card im still paying off. or maybe the owed money the student loan department is demanding. i dont have anything i need to buy, im quite satisfied. but i do have debts. lots of debts.

i wish i had surplus and no debts. because then i could seriously start my savings for the sailboat i want. seriously, a sailboat. a few bucks a month, and when i can lots more. saved. i dipped into the savings this month because i would have starved and not been able to operate my car otherwise, but im making the effort. i want a sailboat in 10 years. i want to be able to spend several months on the ocean or pacific island chains a few months after that.

right now, sailing is what im living for. im sure bills and a career will get in the way of that. but, perhaps ashtons most fondest memories will be working on that boat with me...and then taking it out for a years worth of education in another country.

russell just cursed at the tv. hes watching the blazers. ha.

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