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09.18.08 - 1:08 pm

politics. ugh. i really do enjoy them, though. i enjoy the fact finding, the counter arguments, the history.

what i dont like is meddling with facts, biases and ignorance.

i am severely disappointed that my boss sends me youtube videos of barak obama in muslim attire or mistakenly referring to his muslim faith. and then expects me to think like him.

"oh, he must totally be a muslim, i guess ive been wrong this whole time..."

i mean, i encourage him to do so, but i also wish he was intelligent enough to know that what hes repeating are just republican talking points meant to incite negative emotional connections to muslims. did joel read any of the comments posted beneath these videos? completely filled with racial slurs antimuslim hate speech and ridiculous connections to osama bin laden and saddam hussein. does joel also agree with those comments? does joel hate muslims? is joel more worried that obama is lying that hes a muslim, or that we might have a muslim in the white house?

"The Difference between ObAMA & OsAMA is just a little B.S."


"Obama is the canary in the mine, test.
If he survives, it will be ok for the rest of the marxists and socialists to come out of the closet.
All I know is that this is not the America that I and my parents grew up in.
I have no idea where these people came from, maybe immigration, maybe the liberal school system, maybe the sewer system.
God bless America and God save America."

im a pretty solid democrat. i can adapt to ideas however, republican or democratic. im pretty sure i liked ron paul. i like liberals though. i like progressive, drastic and socially valuable changes. i dont like racism or blatant homophobia nor do i appreciate women having no control over their own reproduction. i dont think religion should be a major driving force of our politics or of our country.

i dont like how mccain stretches or distorts facts in his campaign ads, and still continues to run them when theyve been discredited by the press repeatedly. but more important than that, i dislike the americans that see those ads and believe them in blind trust. who dont double check their facts. who really think being close enough to russia to see it equals foreign policy experience. at this point, with so much antipalin attention, i would welcome some antibiden press. but there hasnt been any. im beginning to think hes been a saint for the last 30 years of his career. or is palins rags to riches tale so much more exciting than some political scandal joe biden participated in?

the ride up the election is only going to get uglier. the republicans are going to sink lower and convince people out of confusion and ignorance. the democrats will hopefully stay high with integrity. ill have to continually convince my five year old son that "no, i will not infact make more money if i become republican" and will also have to look at my boss and just shake my head with disappointment.

at least he sort of believes that something should be done about the environment, even if he thinks its not caused by humans.

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