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03.16.09 - 9:28 am

for our upcoming trip to arizona, i asked ashton to gather the items he wanted to bring along with him. these are what he collected:

small tractor toy.
plastic man with parachute.
lego spaceship.
flip flops.
underwater goggles.
stuffed animal beaver.
stuffed animal aflac duck.
mancala game.
zooreeka game.
water slide.
inflatable killer whale.
container of yellow playdoh.
broken remote control boat.
mousetrap game.
three little javalinas book.
animals in the dark book.
never take a shark to the dentist.
animals in danger: forests of africa.
know your facts: things to know about animals.
class 2 to the zoo book.
sharks! book.
spiders and scorpions book.
wooden train whistle.

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