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10.16.09 - 10:29 pm


C'mon Ben, do some of that pillot shit.

"Hi Linda, how are you? Have you met my roommates yet? Well here, let me introduce you.

This is my roomate Ben: he's a political science major and is a triathlete.

And this, this is my roomate Jordan. His jacket says it all: flies by the seat of his pants. Totally unpredictable."

"Fuckity fuck fuck!"
"No excuses...JUST DICK!"

"No that's ok Anthony, you can keep your shirt on. Were gonna go ahead and have this next scene with your shirt on"

Harrison Ford: Cunning, rugged and chiselled . Yes, this man has it all. Fame, fortune and a cock the size of a brick.

"I got a cock like a donkey, hard as a rock."

all of this written on the back of a depiction of two penises showing where "the nook" is located, apparently signed by my then girlfriend, shelli.

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