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1.5.02 - 2:18pm

i find myself craving more disaster. now i tend to not be a rubberneck. such as a violent traffic accident. i dont slow down to look. i may shoot a glance mind you, but usually i have somewhere to be. i dont like driving 35 mph on the freeway. i dont even like driving 65 mph on the freeway. too slow. i figure there will always be more accidents. but how often are there terrorist attacks? i think it would be spectacular if more shoebombs exploded. car bombs outside buildings. hijackings. biological warfare. faceless enemies. just a more lengthy and vigorous attack on america.

granted, i dont want my friends, family or their respected work places attacked, you know, keep it an east coast or a southwest ordeal. something exciting. i bore too easily with day to day events. i want to be on the edge of my seat. plastered to the tv again. i want to try to find out the facts immediatly after they unravel. i want breaking news. stiff network competition for the best images and film.

as long as it doesnt hold up traffic.

im waiting for chad @ the airport. im hungry. i havent yet eaten today. in my pocket, i have $3.50 in quarters. chapstick. pack of gum. ill probably have to ask chad to help pay for parking. im a chump. apparently in this post 9/11 airport, we as non ticket holders, arent allowed into the gates anymore. which means, no more greeting someone right off the plane. which means no more saying goodbye and hugs and tears as you watch them go down the little tunnel. which means with tears in your eyes you have to hug your loved one goodbye as security inspects your shoes for explosives.

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