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1.22.02 -

ok so, on the way here, here being this little padded seat and table recess in a wall at the MU i decided that i get no pleasure no satisfaction from females. i likened girls to a chore. much like hoping on my bike, finding an elevator and riding out the 5 minutes to the MU in the frigid air and stinging rain just to eat and substain my existence. eating at the MU is fun, but the process is a chore i could do without. i just decided it was time to bust out BluePlasticFork. it must be. ive been too let down and disappointed with the behavior of the girls i fancy. poo. poo diddly.

i drew a fancy little picture today. ill try to represent it with words.

the drawing had two boxes seperated by the words ISLAM

on the box to the left, titled EXTREMIST i have "9.11.01" and "terrorists"

to the box to the right titled SHEEP it says "every day guy."

below that i have another two boxes seperated by the word CHRISTIANITY.

on the box to the left titled EXTREMIST i wrote "people who shoot or bomb abortion clinics and doctors" "people who kill homosexuals because of their sexual orientation" and "unibombers". in the box on the right titled SHEEP i wrote "everyone" "one third of the planet".

at least our terrorists are excuseable.

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