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02.22.02 - 1:02 am

i went through my notebook tonight, and decided to record the notes i leave myself through the bothersome chore that are my classes.

story told though instant message conversations. use names to clue who person is and style of writing. who IMs first.

reverand moon. ms hathaway.

liberate me.

jack. i salivate so much! car consisted of a door. sat down and put the door up and drove around. some womans apartment across from mine in arizona. room 2024.

she says nuance alot.

"multiple paths toward divine"

it smells bad. i hope its not me. ask a child to tell of a past life. they forget as they get older.

marty staufer.

piece of detritus. heretic? define ezra.

my teeth hurt. benevolence.

im sitting in my head, just as a pair of eyes. my body is a castle and i can look all around, without moving. her enthusiasm is reflected as pity.

opening of gods throat.


i got a collapsed lung from having sex with jordan.

lots and lots of eh?


can you really catch arrows in flight? youre killing me smalls. what does his voice sound like?

wow. i just got really uncomfortable.

the sick boy method.

saltwater in neighborhoods. it burns the grass.

im so tired i feel sick.

what is unix.

short story about sitting in class looking at watch knowing the sun went nova.

download edward scissorhands soundtrack.

a good classroom pass time is sticking my pump pencil in the leg of my jeans. trying to find which areas hurt more than others.


right now i just feel uncomfortable. dont excuse kindness for weakness. look up mike todd at pvcc. look up arabic tattoo.

my shirt smells like an old man.

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