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06.03.04 - 8:29 am

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, leader of Iran, and a consistent critic of the United States, called President Bush "a shameless liar" for claiming "he shoulders the responsibility to spread democracy."

The hard-liner said "people of the world see their (American) democracy in Abu Ghraib prison."

dear iran,

well thats funny. because, here in america, and probably most of the world, we see you there in iran, and syria, afghanistan, pakistan, saudi arabia, egypt, oman, iraq, yemen and lebanon as all terrorists who beat and oppress their women, strap explosives to themselves, blow up buildings, slaughter hundreds of innocent people and otherwise are unpleasant people altogether.

so before you judge our ENTIRE democratic government on our treatment of our POWs, how about you try to fix the stereotypes that are being perpetuated by your religions and your entire hemosphere. and by the way, when was the last time you offered milk and cookies, and soft fluffy pillows to your prisoners of war?

thank you.


lindsay lohan

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