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08.27.04 - 10:14 pm

i cant help but feel a sense of shame and remorse when i listen to the song "party all the time" by eddie murphy. not so much for my own life, but for his. what a permanent smear of his endless list of prestigious accomplishments. why this song? why would he feel the need to take a stab at a musical career and then only be remembered for this one solo track. i mean, some people donate money to cancer research to make sure they are remembered for leaving their mark on humanity. some people try to land on the moon in order to better mankind.

but eddie murphy had his own agenda. he would change the world with his mournful song rampant with texture, open ended meanings, and deep religious issues woven in amongst the subtle pro choice lyrics.

this song reminds me of a decision i have made that will soon spill from my lips in endless waves of remorse.


justin was the first to mention his apprehensions, and i was hesitant about following his lead. i can give someone a chance. still he kept up that ashley may end up causing us more misery than we need.

and today, im more inclined to lean in his direction. granted, kim should have removed all of her personal belongings from our house months ago, but still, threatening to take her stuff to the dump if she doesnt pick it up by the 10th? a little extreme. a little unnecesary. and just because youre paying rent doesnt make you leader of the household. you still have three senior representatives above you. four if you count mr hemson, who has already made tremendous progress above you. listen, kim will come get her stuff. and then you can move in, but let me tell you there will be no tolerating such a pro nazi party coup d'etat within the castle walls. justin russell and myself make the choices. you will not be allowed to complain if things are not up to your standards. if you want things changed, youll have to go through the same diplomatic processes us elders go through. only we only have to consider your petty issues.

let this be a warning to you ashley: dont ruin the castle. youre already expendable. youre presence here is a gracious gift.

there is one more homeless gjurgevich out there because we took you in. this shelter, this keep will become your home. foster it. cherish it.

and dont ruin this next year, because we have many expectations.

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