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05.24.05 - 2:05 pm

the lawn is mowed.

it took several days. hundreds of hours. it took frustration. it took will power.

it took ben and jordan.

ashley, justin and russell. not so much of a help. russell, hes a busy guy. hes got his education to finish up on so he can move on with his life. justins got his band and his responsibility less lifestyle to lead. ashley just doesnt live here anymore, and really could care less what happens as long as she gets to be with JR...somewhere else.

i guess ben and i were really the only ones able to complete such a task as this. we both are more interested in enjoying our day instead of wasting it in class. we both have open schedules with not much homework. but mostly, id say we are motivated to actually upkeep the house. yeah it sucks, yeah its filthy and shitty. but no one seems to care. russell takes the garbage out, and cashes in everyones cans for himself. justin, in rare moments of hypermania will clean out the entire bathroom or refridgerator. i bought a vacuum and used it on my room and the living room. i think russell vacummed the stairs.

i remember when john lived here. and every saturday, all five members of the house would clean up. the kitchen was spotless, the floors would sparkle, the bathroom smelled decent enough. but not here. here, its hard enough to clean up after yourself, let alone get someone else to clean up their mess. justin being one of the biggest contributers to this.

well, at least come august, we can look forward to mass participation in getting this house to as close its full glory as possible. but until then, just a few more months of listening to everyone including ourselves, make fun of the squalor we call a house.

one thing is for sure, i will never go two years without a dishwasher or a vacuum again.

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