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05.07.06 - 10:38 am

this morning ashton insisted we dress him up in his skeleton costume from last year. at first i protested, hoping he would lose interest, but he adores this skeleton.

so now, im dropping off a skeleton with his mom in salem.

yesterday, we spent an hour at the water fountain. with towels and a camera. when he was too cold to jump through the water, we drove home and took a hot bath.

the day before we enjoyed the fountain with many more children for him to interact with. and another hot bubble bath.

a few days before we went to borders and then my work so he could hold all the animals.

we make popcorn and watch movies, esspecially when i take a nap after work. we eat dinner together. we read his favorite book, the giving tree before bedtime. he wears boxes and entertains my roommates. he takes his toys and shows my neighbors. we take walks and ride his tricycle to pizza places.

he goes in time outs. and gets his bottom paddled. he makes messes and farts. he puts his dishes on the kitched counters. he tells me he loves me when i change his diaper and before he closes his eyes before he falls asleep.

he always thanks me for playing with him and how much fun he had.

and sometimes, its just nice hearing, especially from people on her side, that im doing a good job.
that im a good dad and i watch my child enough to be considered such.

so thank you.

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