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02.13.08 - 4:35 pm

ugh. this guy. overweight. mildly depressed. overcompensating.

things i disagree with:

- his tirade about physically assaulting him if he is given any lip from the kid.
- the personal attacks about how his parents failed at teaching respect via physical punishment.
- the tireless demands to not be called dude.
- the way he confiscates the skateboard in a dramatic way of rubbing in his authority.
-"if you call me dude, one more time..." youll what? chase me down? i dont think so. put me in jail and charge me, for what? calling you dude? smack me upside the head like you already threatened? i hope so. i dare you.
- the real world information the officer dispenses in which calling people "man" or "dude" will end in death.

and best of all

yes, that camera is on. yes you will find yourself on youtube. the news. and everywhere. if you feel uncomfortable about being videotaped doing your job, perhaps you should do your job in a way that other people wouldnt interpret so ridiculously.

i wish the kid would have said yes. i wish the kid would have shown the officer that he is infact being video taped. and then either ran away when asked to forfeit the camera or called the police and reported stolen property. or something to draw more attention to what was going on.

now im all for people listening to police, and respecting authority in most regards. its absolutely true that in most circumstances had the person just listened to the officer there would have been no altercation, under this episode, this officer acted in a way i was not pleased with. irresponsibly. aggressively. unnecessarily and unprovoked. i hope hes severely embarrassed and does his job at all times like the whole world is watching.

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