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09.08.08 - 12:45 pm

this occurred nearly a month ago, a few days before august 17th.

sarah: were doing...every other friday. and i dont want it to change again after this, so be willing to bend ur schedule if needed at times.

me: no. thats still unnecessary. two days three nights is completely fair in comparison. there is no reason to restrict me that much.

sarah: thats how our schedule was before, so if you dont like it, you can just..not take him tonight. its more than tues--thurs. every other.

sarah: im sick of it always changing. and its not good for ashton either.

me: then dont change it. this is a great schedule.

sarah: umm...because of convenience, jordan? i dont see why you would want it any other way. if you want him longer you can take him friday to monday!!

me: whats inconveniencing about it? you get to sleep in and not drive to sherwood and back on fridays. and you get three nights a week without ashton to do what you want.

sarah: im not looking into the "perks" of not having ash. i am responsible for him untill you are off work tuesdays and responsible for him before you start work fridays. i think thats what isnt necessarily fair. im not about keeping your son from you, i want that, and any discussion of it is prohibited at our house. except positive talks about you. we only tlk bout how i want him spending great time with you, and me. its not a nazi anti-daddy fest.

me: well, i do sincerely apprecite that. however, youre not responsible for him friday mornings since i told you id take him to darlas! so i didnt understand what you meant by that. we will continue this schedule, and if problems arise you can call and talk to me about them.

sarah: ok! sounds good!


september 17th. a sudden and unexpected change of heart.

we need to write out an agreement between what schedule is with ashton and get it notarized. and take to court...just need written k? and i dont want it to be a bothersome process because i really want to maintain a relationship with you that is positive, as ashtons dad. and also figure out what to do when school starts u will have to take him maybe one weekend day included in the time spent w/him....

i know ive always ben a difficult person to deal with and im just trying to make it work as best as possible for ashtons sake id like him to remember us being positive involved parent that dont hate each other, ok

it was just really hard in the beginning. for a long time. and hes getting older and i am too so hopefully we can do this as a team.

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