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02.01.10 - 11:16 am

i sent ashton to his room last night. a few times. his attitude of ungratefulness has gotten to the point where it drives me insane. he doesnt say thank you. he asks other children for their toys. he constantly is asking for new things. and he complains about not liking his food. not liking activities. not liking what other people are watching on tv.

its become completely embarrassing and unnacceptable.

i have to constantly remind him to say thank you. to say please. to not ask for things when i take him to peoples houses. a continuous battle. he just acts like everything is owed to him and the world revolves around him, as my mom used to say about me.

so hes been getting sent to his room more frequently now when his attitude begins to border ridiculous. last night he was sent up there twice almost consecutively. the second time, i went up stairs and secretly checked in his room to find him sitting on his knees, head down holding a wrinkled piece of yellow construction paper in his hands. he then quickly crumpled it up when he saw me looking in.

what is that?
no, really. did you draw something?
no. its just some bad writing.
what did you write?
nothing. just a bad letter.
let me see....


(dear dad i have left forever ashton.)

so dramatic. all because i sent him to his room for not wanting to take the recycling out or something. realizing he had created something that wasnt very nice, he told me he was going to write me a new letter after i refused to let him destroy this one. so he did.


(i am sorry that i wrote that letter i will never do it ever again ashton!!!!!!)

sigh. what a kid.

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